We would love to hear from You.
Is the booking system working?
Yes we can assure you it is, however it can be quite confusing. Red means the date is booked out. Green means available. Blue means weekend. We have had a rush on bookings so there is a lot of red, but we do have a waitlist that you are welcome to join. We have two treehouses available so check for availability or cancellations on our social media.
Have a question? Check out our FAQs page first HERE
Before filling in the Contact Form, read our PDF Information Guide HERE or take a look at the ‘Getting Here’ page.
Looking for the finer details of your stay? Click HERE.
If we haven’t answered your question above then drop us a line in the contact form below.
P. 021 858 757
388 Hayes Road,
Hakataramea Valley
RD Kurow, North Otago 9498
New Zealand
“Don’t think it’s possible for this place to get any more beautiful – truly magical in every way! Every detail is perfect and well thought out, we had an amazing stay. Thank you Liz and Andy for sharing this wonderful slice of paradise.”